I have tried several times today to add this new blog URL to my technorati profile. The profile update appears to just be broken — it doesn’t give any error message; nor does it update my profile. If I try to add a new URL it adds two new blank sites instead.
I don’t suppose anyone is paying too much attention because it is Easter weekend.
Perhaps this will get fixed sometime in the coming week.
UPDATE: 20.APR.2006 — Appears to be working now; I was able to add this blog and have it update properly.
technorati tags: technorati, broken, suckage, blogging, mobrec
I experience the same errors trying to add my site to technorati a couple of weeks ago. Sent them an email, but no response as of yet. After a couple days, the blank profile became active, and everything seems to work now.
Congrats on the new domain, I enjoyed your ‘Give Me Back My Data’ post. Good ideas on how to get semantic web concepts into the real world.